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University of Missouri Director of Veterinary Extension Craig Payne urges cattle producers to watch for signs of disease associated with Theileria orientalis, a protozoal organism recently detected in Missouri. This organism, which primarily affects cattle, causes disease by infecting red blood cells. The immune system attacks the infected cells, resulting…

Iwona Dyba Published: 15/04/2024, 15:00 | Update: 15/04/2024, 19:47 0 Zbigniew Ajchler assesses the current situation in the Polish pig sector, photo: Zbigniew Ajchler, agricultural entrepreneur, politician, former MP, in an interview with the editors of, assesses the current situation in the domestic pig sector. – I’m devastated…

MANRRS is the nation’s top organization for the recruitment and cultivation of diverse talent in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. At its national conference in March, known as #MANRRS38, the Executive Committee opted to expand the group’s operations through the creation of a CEO position. This position will place…